Sunday, August 25, 2013

Late summer fun

After at least a month of pleasant, beautiful weather, summer has returned with a vengeance.  Of course with the cooler weather we had already taken down the pool, so instead Tabitha found another way to beat the heat today! She even found a way to get James through as well.  What a fun afternoon for all! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Crafting fun

Last Saturday we spent the day working on crafts.  Tabitha is really into making different things and using her creativity.  For her birthday she received several different craft kits and asks every day if we can make something.  I guess it's a good thing I saved my craft supplies for all of these years as it appears it will get some good use for awhile.

Lantern painting--before


Final product

Our afternoon craft

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Tabitha!

Last Sunday we celebrated Tabitha's birthday!  I can't believe how quickly that time has gone.  It only seems like yesterday we were bringing that tiny bundle home from the hospital.

This year Tabitha decided that she wanted to have a birthday party--I mean a "Princess Party".  So, after being informed of that I realized that I had a lot of work to do with about a two week time period.  In the end it turned out fantastically and I am confident that Tabitha had a great time at her party!

To see some other stunning photos of Tabitha on her birthday, visit James' blog site at:  Professional or James Photography

Princess party decorations

Do you know how it took me to find this?

The princess table

Trying to get a three year old to stand still is impossible!

Some of the kids getting all sugared up!

More princess party food

I did try to add some healthy things

On Monday we realized we hadn't sang happy birthday to Tabitha, so while a day late she still enjoyed it!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

More summer fun!

I've fallen behind yet again in my blogging....I am not sure where the days go as I can say that it doesn't seem like get much else done either.

Anyways, here are some more pictures from Tabitha's summer.  She sure is enjoying every minute of it!