Monday, July 22, 2013

The joys of summer!

Tabs took out of busy schedule of playing and swimming yesterday to enjoy a few of summer's treats!

Yummy peas fresh from the garden. She would have ate the entire bowl if I would have let her.

Her first S'mores! She loved it as it proved to be messy!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

No more diapers!

There will be no more diapers and no more pull ups at our house (well, at least until December).  While Tabs has been potty trained during the day for over six months now, we decided to take the big leap and go to underwear at night.  It wasn't really that hard of a decision considering how dry she has stayed at night since she was an infant.  I recall only once or twice did we end up changing sheets in the middle of the night.  Even as a baby, most mornings she had a dry diaper.

Way to go Tabs!  We are proud of you!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I came across this photo the other day on my computer's desktop as I was looking for a certain photo.  We were at the Conservatory at Como Park taking pictures of Tabitha back in late March.  She really wasn't in a picture-taking mood, so I believe I was trying to get her to pose by making her imitate what I was doing.  James caught her at the right moment!

Friday, July 19, 2013

A horse-riddin', Easter hat wearin', didgeridoo playing, Tinkerbell.  The imagination that she has!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A confidence in the water

Today was the first day we filled up the pool (just ask James how cold it was) for the summer. During the past year Tabitha took two sets of swim lessons and spent some more time in the kiddie pool as well. With that said it was amazing to watch her confidence grow and how comfortable she felt in the water.  Now she hasn't mastered swimming by any means but certainly she's getting there!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just a typical Tuesday morning in Tabitha's world....