Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pouting because she didn't like dinner. Tough luck kid...I only make one dinner per night. There are no special requests.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

We are a day late but Tabitha wanted to wish you a very happy Valentines day! Her picture below is with the crazy crayons we made for her classmates at school!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Despite the fact that Fred protests eating fish...he sure does enjoy watching them on TV.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Beep Beep Song

I'm not sure how this came to be, but Tabitha has a favorite song.  No, it's not The More We Get Together or anything that would fit her, rather it's a pop song that is regularly heard on adult radio stations.  It's Selena Gomez's "Love You Like a Love Song"....but to Tabitha's it's known as the Beep Beep song.

Here's Tabs' version of the song.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fingerpainting fun!

For some more pictures of Tabitha's fingerpainting adventures, visit James' blog--Professional or James Photography.

Monday, February 4, 2013

A great birthday!

For the past two years we've battled some sort of sickness at our house on my birthday.  So, for this year's birthday all I wanted for everyone to be healthy.  I got my wish!  Not only was everyone healthy, but it seemed everyone was in a great mood, too.

I had a fantastic day which included:

  • Early morning snuggles with my little girl
  • A long, warm shower without any interruptions
  • A clean house thanks in part to my husband who vacuumed!
  • A great day date with a movie and lunch
  • A visit complete with birthday cake by my parents
  • A little time for relaxation in the evening.
The best part of my day came when Tabs sang me happy birthday.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I think she has fun at daycare...don't you?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dear Tabitha,

I'm writing you this letter so that someday in the future when you are a parent you can look back at it and (hopefully) laugh or maybe it will help you sympathize with what we went through.

Last night/this morning was a test of willpower. We are on attempt #2 with moving you to a big girl bed. We tried last fall and gave up after 1.5 weeks as you just liked to climb out and come into our bedroom. This time we got smart and took the advice of a co-worker that said to put up a baby gate at your bedroom door. You said you were ready for a big girl bed and so we bought the gate and went for it. Earlier this week wasn't so bad. You gave up quickly and to bed for the rest of the night. But, somehow you got smart about it as time went on this week, trying multiple tactics to get us to see you. Since we are trying to potty train (and you are almost there!) you caught on that we would get up to see you. Last night though...whew..that was tough, and you are good! Here's what I can remember you saying to get us up...

-I'm pooping
-I'm going potty
-Prince Charming where are you? (you sure know how to tug at daddy's heart)
-Open the door
-Open the white door
-Open the white door, PLEASE
-Turn on the music
-Fred woke me up
-Daddy get up
-Daddy wake up
-Come in here!
-I want water
-I want milk
-I'm cold
-I'm freezing (daddy's whispered response: get under the covers then)
-I want my blue sweater
-I want to be Snow White again
-Daddy hold me
-Prince Charming hold me
-Mama hold me
-Wake up!
-Hello, mom?
-I told you I'm going poopy
-I'm going poopy right now!
-I don't want my big girl bed
-I'm all done
-I go poopy in my blue underwear (yes, Tabs that's right, but that was about 18 hours ago)
-Out please
-I bumped my toe (that was a good one and I laughed really hard at it!)

Your excuses got pretty amusing at 4am, and your father had some good responses (which you didn't hear) but I have to say you have some fight and tenacity in you! I hope that you keep that willpower in the future...just not when it comes to bedtime.

We love you Tabs, but sometimes it's about tough love!

Love, Mommy

Friday, February 1, 2013