Saturday, March 31, 2012

A weekend away

Over St. Patty's Day weekend, James and I took our first post-child weekend away.  We thought that it would be fun to go up to Lutsen and go skiing.  You figure that in mid-March it would likely be nice spring skiing weather.  Well, that's exactly what we got, plus we got great hiking weather.  It was in the 70's all weekend...even that far north. 

It was a great weekend overall; however, we missed our little girl.  She had a fantastic time staying overnight at grandma and grandpa's much so that she even cried when we left because she wanted to stay. 

74 degree spring skiing
Eating Ice Cream in March...outside!

Grand Marais, MN (That is Lake Superior)

Angel Falls

James pretending to dive into Angel Falls

Devil's Kettle.  The water was flowing good!

Crossing the Temperence River in March. The water was still cold though!

Temperence River

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The budding photographer

Miss T has become extremely proficient in taking pictures with my iPhone.  Here's some of her latest work.  Watch out Ansel Adams!

Title: Self Portrait 1

Title: Self Portrait with a Finger

I don't know how she managed to get a screen shot, but oh well!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

For the past two weeks we've been spoiled with the beautiful weather.  It's been 70 degrees and sunny for many of the days.  It actually feels and looks like springtime, just as the calendar tells us it should.  In the meantime we've been takng full advantage of the outdoors.  Tabitha loves it so much outside that most of the time she cries when it's time to go inside and eat dinner.  I can see how our summers are going to be spent!

Mastering the front porch stairs.

Mama...I don't get why you make me wear this silly coat.  Its much too warm out here for it.

Playing with Mama's sandals.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The curls

We've been hoping for awhile that Tabs' curls that the beautiful curls that we see just after bathtime would start to come around more often.  Because of the humidity this week we got the opportunity to see them more than that just after bathtime moment.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Always a helper

Tabitha is a little helper.  She likes to help you in whatever chore you are doing.  She, unlike me, does not see it as a chore, but rather something fun to do.  Tabitha's really at helping with the laundry...between sorting, putting it in the washer, then moving it to the dryer, and finally putting it in her laundry basket.  I just need to teach her to fold and iron.
The other day we realized how much she likes helping to clean the floor...especially after she's eaten.  Since Fred doesn't do clean up duties like I had hoped, we've had to rely on the sweeper.  Tabitha has now taken charge of that chore. 

Hopefully she tackles all of her chores when she gets older in this same enthusiastic way!

Always a helper!