Sunday, November 13, 2011

I just thought that I would post these because they are cute. They were taken about a month ago.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I love this photo. It was a quiet Sunday morning after church, and the two of them were just watching the squirrels in the backyard. The moment didn't last long however...soon Tabitha realized that it was too quiet and started seeing if Fred could fit between the two doors.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm finally getting around to posting more pictures from Tabitha's 1st birthday!

Think she got spoiled this year?

Ohh...this looks very interesting!

More gifts?

This bug house is cool! How come you don't like the real bugs we have in the house mama?

Yes, I am 1 and I am cute as a button.

What is this?

Hey what happened to that real cake you just put in front of me?

Why is everyone insisting that I eat this cupcake? I don't want to!!!

Fred...what else can I say? He did this on his own.