Sunday, October 23, 2011

"We're off to see the wizard...."

I didn't realize this until after I took the picture...but Tabitha's got a Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz) outfit. The blue dress and ruby red shoes. What fun we have dressing her up! (oh...but she chose her"bracelets" that day...aka some rings that she's able to fit over her hands).

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Go Dada Go!

James ran (and finished) the Twin Cities Marathon on October 2 this year. Tabitha wanted to make sure that she didn't miss his first marathon, so she came out on a cool morning to cheer her dada on!
Tabitha with her sign

Ringing her bell for the runners

Goofin' around

Dada you are awesome...just 13 miles left!

On his way again!

I can see the finish line!


With his medal (too bad I didn't do a good job focusing the camera)

Friday, October 21, 2011

State Park #5

A few weeks ago Tabitha visited Minneopa State Park. The park is about 1.5 hours south of where we live, in Mankato where Elise went to grad school. We were hoping for a better view of the fall colors, but most of the leaves had fallen. However, we enjoyed a nice morning of hiking, playing in the leaves, and a picnic lunch in the warm sun. Yay for fall!

Dada...I am ready to go!

Playing in the leaves is a lot of fun!

Evidence that I was at the park.


It's so much more fun now that I can walk.

That's all folks!

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm too cool.....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Walkin', Walkin', Walkin'

Yep, the time has arrived...Miss Tabitha is now walking. Not a lot yet, but she knows how to do it. She proficiently stands and takes a few steps, then decides that walking is for the birds and reverts back to crawling. However, each day brings more and more steps.

Watch out Fred...your life is never going to be the same!!!

Here I come world!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Put me in the Zoo!

Tabitha invited her friends to an outing at the Minnesota Zoo recently. A good time was had by all and they all loved watching the animals. The new penguin exhibit is the best because the kids can get right up to the glass and the penguins will swim right up and see them. Tabitha is excited to invite her friends back again!

Look! Here are my penguin friends!

Come here Mr. Penguin!!

Ladies...I had a fabulous time...let's do it again soon!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apple picking

A few weeks ago, Tabitha and I went apple picking. It is always a fun time down at Emma Krumbees. There is apple picking, the scarecrow festival, lots of baked goods, pony rides, camel rides, etc, etc. One cannot get bored.

This year we decided since Tabitha is still a little small to just do the apple picking. She was such a good helper by pointing at the apples she thought would be best and then holding onto them. We watched the pony and camel rides for awhile, and walked through the general store. We had a great time, but picking apples is hard work, so much so that Tabitha fell asleep on the way home!