Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tabitha has this thing about seeing how tight of space she can cram herself into. It's quite amusing to watch, that is until she gets herself stuck and can't get out. One of her favorite places is between the two tiers of the coffee table. She'll endlessly crawl through this area time and time again. What a silly little girl we have!

See worries, I can totally get myself out of here! I am little Miss Flexibility!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What a fun day with the Babyroo today....even though she had to go to daycare, it was all of the fun things that she did today after we got home that made it so wonderful! Today was the first day that she went from sitting on the floor to standing up without holding onto anything (she subsequently practiced this over and over again), she would repeat the word mama back to me (yay!!!), and she learned how to play peek-a-boo by covering her own eyes. These were much too cute and just totally made my day.

My little princess is getting so old!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Box!

Can you tell the theme of the month? Now that Tabitha is crawling everywhere, so likes to explore new things. One thing that was pretty new to her was a box. If you didn't already know though, Fred's favorite thing is also a box. So, one night when they were cramming into one box together (usually Fred leaves, but when it comes to a box, he does not...even if Tabitha is "petting" and giving him hugs and kisses). In the end, we figured it was best if they each had their own box!

So happy together! (Or not...Tabitha was happy...Fred, well not so much!)

So happy that they each had their own box!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tabitha is 1!

We had Tabitha's 1 year photos taken about a month ago. She did a great job considering it was a Friday evening photo shoot. One of her photos even made it on a poster that the photographer was using to advertise with. All of the photos turned out great, but here are the five that we chose to get digitally that we can share. (Thanks to our fabulous photographer...Jessica Barker! She was the one that did all of Tabitha's newborn photos in the hospital, too).

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The anatomy of climbing into a box

Hum....a box. I wonder what I should do with this box?

Aahh...I know, I will try to fit myself into this box
Wohoo...I made it!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


We recently went to Florida on a work/vacation trip. James had a conference and we ended up staying with Elise's Aunt and Uncle. Despite a nightmare of a trip down to get to Tampa, we had a great time. Tabitha was a such a great traveler and did not seem to mind anything that was going on. Good thing she's got daddy's great nature.

We visited lots of fun places and met a lot of are a few of our favorite photos...
Helping mama pack (or just take it all out of the suitcase)

Pretty in pink in her new stroller

We went to Homosassa Springs to see the manatees. As it began to rain we went to the underwater viewing area where we were the only ones. Two manatees somehow knew that we were there and gave us the best show...turning circles and pressing their noses against the glass in front of Tabitha. They quickly went away when others came. What a fantastic experience!
Visiting the Gulf of Mexico!
Playing with Goldee the dog, which soon became her new best friend.
Walk, walk, walk...Tabitha took her first steps in Florida!
So many cousins to meet!
Thanks for the great time Aunt Mary and Uncle Bob...we can't wait to come back!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ugh...a long time without an update. Eck. We've been awfully busy, so I'll try to get you all caught up here soon.

One fun trick that Tabitha has learned is how to crawl up and down the stairs. She has lots of confience going up the stairs, but we do have to remind her that the only way to go down is backwards, which she getting the hang of. Tabitha loves the stairs though!