Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Zoo of my favorite places to go! Here are some pictures from our first outing to the Minnesota Zoo last month.

This is great!!!

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3 (all including Eddie the Eagle are looking at the camera)

So close I could almost reach out and touch them!

Thunderstorm delay

This Tapir is much more interesting than dada (and mama...are you sleeping?)

Dada...watching all of these animals makes me tired!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The highlight of this dreary day...chasing after my crawling babyroo, then catching up with her, tickling her, and listening to her squeal in delight!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Today's conversation on the way home from daycare:

Babyroo: dadadadadadada
Me: Oh that right?!

Babyroo: dadadadadadada
Me: Yep, that's nice

Babyroo: dadadadadadada
Me: Can we try mama now?

Babyroo: DADA!

I guess I am succumbing to the fact that Babyroo's first word is dada. Good thing she's so darn cute!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day...Dada!

August 4, 2010

August 6, 2010

October 31, 2010

November 2010

February 2011

March 2011

May 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Nose

Q: Who has seen Bewitched?
A: Okay...we all have, haven't we?

Q: What was the little girl's name in Bewitched?
>A: [You better answer correctly] Tabitha (They technically spelled it Tabatha until Season 5...thank you Wikipedia).

>Q: And what is so special about Tabitha and her mommy (Samantha)?
>A: They are witches.

Q: How does Tabitha and her mommy use their magical powers?
A: By the twitch of their nose.

Here's our Tabitha working on her magical skills now....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Photography by dada

>Here are some of my favorite shots of dada's photography....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Fred! It's your day today, so do as you wish....sleep, meow, sleep, bite your mama at 3:30 a.m., sleep, eat, sleep, roll on the floor, sleep, eat some toliet paper, and finally, you guessed it...sleep!

You are 11 today...such a big day for a Fred-the-cat!

Fred's 6th birthday

Fred's 7th birthday

Fred's 8th Birthday!

Fred's 9th birthday!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Mother Nature:

In case you have forgotten, we live in Minnesota. Minnesota is known for having four seasons--winter, spring, summer, and fall. It seems somehow that you have completely forgotten spring. Last month at this time it was cold and we were getting flurries. Now, it's June and you've decided that it should be record setting hot at 95 to 100 degrees. What happened to spring? I've barely had time to plant my flowers and garden and now you are trying to kill them with your heat. I know you are trying to make up after the long winter, but trust me, this isn't the way to make us happy. Please bring back case you haven't checked the calendar lately, it's still spring until June 20.

Thank you.

PS--Florida has called and would like it's heat back.

Tabitha cooling off in her pool. I am pretty sure more than half of the water was splashed out of the pool by the time she was done.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How the babyroo changes

We visited Cascade State Park when Tabitha was about 2.5 weeks old. We then visited the exact same park (and same waterfall location) nearly 9.5 months later. See how she has changed!

August 2010

May 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Memorial Day weekend in pictures

Along Lake Superior

Dada and Babyroo at Grand Portage State Park

Family shot at High Falls in Grand Portage State Park

Mama and flying Babyroo at Thunder Bay, Ontario kite festival

Dada and Babyroo enjoying the trip to Canada