Thursday, December 23, 2010

So cute!

So, we know we are biased, but this picture of Tabitha is pretty cute. Her bright, big blue eyes show up well. She's just always looking to explore new things with those eyes!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Over Thanksgiving we made a trip down to Nebraska to see Tabitha's great-grandma, great aunt and great uncle, and her third cousin. It was a lot of fun and she did a great job traveling and meeting new people. While she wasn't probably as happy as she normally is, she did put on a happy face and enjoyed the new faces. I am sure she won't remember this trip, but for us it memorable. All of the pictures we took with the good camera are still (yes, still...a month later) being edited; however, I captured one on my phone while we were traveling. I'm not sure how her neck doesn't get stiff, but then again she is 4 months, and not almost 32 years old.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

For all those wondering, daycare is going well. Tabitha loves being there and loves watching the other kids. Plus, she likes all of the toys, especially the ones that we don't have here at our house. Her new favorite is the jumperoo. She's just big enough to fit into it now, and while her feet don't really touch the ground yet so that she can jump, she can make it move enough to keep her busy.

At home, we don't have as many toys, but her favorite has become a little bunny that I've nicknamed Peter Cottontail. It's probably because it's small enough that she can grasp it. It's quite cute too that if you get her in the right mood, she'll have a little conversation with it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Tabitha loves to sleep. She definitely takes after her daddy in that respect. She also takes after her daddy in the ways that she can fall or stay asleep. I went in one morning to wake her up and I found her sound asleep like this.

And this morning...much to our delight, yet horror, she had rolled over. However, she had woken herself up in the process because of it.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


We are gradually getting closer to Tabitha sitting on her own. She would much rather be upright than laying down. Here are some shots of her getting closer to her new "trick".