Sunday, August 29, 2010

Strollin', Strollin', Strollin'

While August has seemed more warm than normal this year, we have managed to have a few cooler days where we have been able to take Tabitha out for a walk. She doesn't mind being in her car seat and seems to enjoy the fresh air. Most of the time she is fast asleep before we make it more than a few steps. We can't wait for the hot weather to go away so that we can go out for a walk every day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Father-Daughter Dance

It's going to be many years before Tabitha gets married; however, practice for the father-daughter dance has already begun. Each night during Tabitha's bedtime routine, her daddy and her dance away to Tabitha's song: Fur Elise. There's something about this song that she likes as she was particularily fussy one evening and as soon as the song came on she calmed down. Unfortunately, when the song was done, she began to cry again.

A real picture of the father/daughter dance will come, but until then, here's one of daddy's little girl!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fred the cat

For those of you wondering, we have not forgot about Fred the cat. In fact, he's probably getting more attention now than he was before because we are so conscience about his needs (yes, for those of you rolling your eyes, while he is a cat, he's still one of our children).

Fred has adapted well to life with the baby for the most part. He did hide under the bed for quite awhile, but is now taking a liking to being out even when Tabitha is around. He will occasionally sniff her, and he's even head-bonked her. While we still have a lot of room to go before he completely warms up to her (I think that will take her to stop crying and flailing her arms and legs before he does that), we are convinced that they will be best buds.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Funny Faces

One of the most fun parts about Tabitha is watching her facial expressions. She is a great actress already and knows how to ham it up when we are watching. I particularily like when she sticks her tongue out, but have been unable to capture it on the camera. Below are a few others that I like.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The first 10 days

Here are some photos of the first few days of Tabitha's (and her parent's) world:

A New Beginning

It's been much too long since I posted....nearly 9 months. While a lot has happened in those 9 months of my life, the best part came 10 days ago. Our little baby girl, Tabitha Elise Durbin, was born. Everyone always says that it's amazing how much you can love someone when you first meet them. I think that both James and I were skeptical at first about that saying, but we now both believe that it's true. The first 10 days of Tabitha's life have been amazing, and while we will have our ups and downs (isn't parenting the hardest thing you'll ever love?), I am excited to see what happens over the next 18+ years.

Tabitha Elise Durbin
August 4, 2010
7:49 a.m.
6 pounds 9 ounces
19 1/2 inches