Friday, May 1, 2009

The saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure" couldn't hold more true in the city of Bloomington (MN) this weekend. It's the city's annual dump your junk at the end of your driveway and we'll pick it up free for you weekend. However, while some people had been setting out stuff earlier this week, the real treasure hunt began tonight for more people than I could count.

All evening there were people driving by in pickup trucks and hauling trailers full of these "treasures". So, we decided to get in the putting out something of our own. We had a storage cart we've been using in the garage; however, we gained new cabinets courtsey of my parents a few weeks ago, so we didn't have use for the cart anymore. It wasn't in bad shape, it's just that the cart was made to go in the kitchen, so it didn't work very well for storing garage related items. Well, James quickly cleaned it out and put it at the end of the driveway. Within one minute (no lie!) it was gone. The lucky person who quickly claimed it happened to drive by at just the right time.

Oh the fun!