Sunday, March 29, 2009

A loyal running companion

No, I don't have a dog that will go out for a run with me. And no, my husband won't get up at the early hour I do to go for a run; however, my cat will always get up with me. For those of you thinking that Fred goes on a run with me...well, no...he doesn't do quite that either.

We have long side windows by our front door, and as I am making my way back from my run, and come up my driveway I see I little figure watching out the side windows. There is Fred...he's always there...morning after morning when I get back waiting for me. Okay, so the motivation is that I feed him a treat when I get back, but it's fun to think that he's waiting there to greet me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A new CD

James got a new CD this past weekend. As I was looking at it I realized it was a Christmas CD. Of course he was really excited about it and so we played it. Yes, it is Lent...and we are three past Christmas. Oh well...might as well get some use out of it. It was rather relaxing listening to it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's starting to warm I wonder how my caterpillar is doing? I will have to watch for him to come out soon!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

While we moved a few times growing up, our family has lived in Rosemout for over 20 years, so I have always considered it my "hometown".

My parents are moving next weekend to a new home. While a new set of memories will be made there, it will be different. No more Christmases in the old house and while my bedroom was turned into something else many years ago, it was always my bedroom. There will no longer be my bedroom, or Abby's bedroom. It's my parents home longer my old home. It's sad, but I am very excited for my parents!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Within 5 feet

A few weeks ago, James and I went up to Lutsen to go skiing (and yes, for all of those asking, it was warm, the snow was soft, and we had a fabulous time). I wanted to stop at Gooseberry Falls to see if they were frozen and to enjoy the peace and quiet. As we were approaching the falls, I saw three deer (a doe and her two fawns) eating from a bird feeder. We thought that we could see how close we could get. Amazingly, they let us come within about 5 feet (we didn't try to get any closer though). It was so neat to see them up close, in the peace and quiet of a beautiful state park.