Saturday, August 30, 2008


The city keeps saying that they are going to come back and fix the side of the yard so that we won't have water in our basement anymore. It seems to be taking forever!!! Until that time, I guess with each big rainfall we'll just have to realize our basement will have water in it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Yes, it's been two weeks since my last entry. I had an excuse though! I went to see the zoo last weekend. Okay, well kind of the zoo. Just my sister's house...with her and her husband, and their two cats and one puppy. Yes, it was chaos. I have really cute pics of them, but just need to figure out how to get them downloaded to the computer. I love technology!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Olympics

I love the Olympics. I love watching the athletes compete and just taking in the sites from far away lands. Since the Olympics are in Beijing this year I recognize many of the sites as I have been there before just 8 years ago.

The Great Wall

As an aspiring gymnast a long time ago, I dreamed of being in the Olympics. Watching Mary Lou in 1984 and the Mag 7 in 1996. I still love watching the gymnastics events and follow everything that's happening even to this day.

Winning the Level 6 state all-around title in 1990 (Yes, that's me on the 1 spot)