Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another weekend almost gone...

It seems as if the weekends just fly by. Although sometimes by Sunday afternoon I am ready to go back to work because I am tired of cleaning. Rarely does it seem that I get to see or spend much time with my husband on the weekend...he's either at work or doing something for the Army. At least there is Fred to keep me company--although he wasn't a good kitty this weekend as he chewed up a brand new pair of socks.

This weekend I accomplished quite a bit as usual, but at the same time there is so much more that I probably could have done. It's still winter, so there will be plenty of time to get things done before it becomes nice outside and I can work on the yard.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

In need of a vacation

My last vacation came in June 2007. Of course there have been the quick trips to Nebraska over a long weekend, but that is not quite the same. With so much going on at work...I can only hope that things slow down and I can take a vacation soon!Honeymoon 2006--Step pyramid of Sakkara in Cairo, Egypt